Why you should #bookdirect

You would have noticed that the heading of this article is #bookdirect and you might be wondering why.

Did you know that the well known online OTA’s (online travel agents) for the most part charge property owners a commission on each booking that they secure for them?

Did you know that these commissions that they charge property owners can be in excess of 15% per booking.

Did you know that many of the large OTA’s are not based in the UK and as such, many of the millions that they earn in commission is not taxed in the UK, which means our country is loosing out.

You have probably already arrived at the conclusion that these steep commission charges must impact on the cost of your holiday, short and weekend breaks.

And you would be right…. In contrast when you #bookdirect you will save money and get the best prices.

You will be able to speak and be in direct contact with the property owner and not have to rely on a third party organisation to deal with your query or question.

You will get a highly personalised service when you #bookdirect because we are not motivated by how much commission we can earn, to us you are an individual and not just a number on a spreadsheet.

We are here to help you have a great holiday or short break.

So it’s time to start planning, and when you book be sure to #bookdirect and save money.

Until next time, stay safe and well.

Mel – Stone Lodge Apartments

#bookdirect #staycation